Selektiv opmærksomhed til kontekstbevidst neural maskinoversættelse 2021, R and D: Publications, Research, Topic: NLP and MT |
Flyt grænserne for oversættelsesrelateretQuality Estimation 2021, R and D: Publications, Research, Topic: NLP and MT, Topic: Quality |
Referat af den fælles workshop om Multiword Expressions og WordNet 2021, R and D: Publications, Research, Topic: NLP and MT, Topic: Quality |
PARSEME-undersøgelse om MWE-ressourcer 2021, R and D: Publications, Research, Topic: NLP and MT, Topic: Quality |
OpenKiwi: En Open Source-struktur til Quality Estimation 2021, R and D: Publications, Research, Topic: NLP and MT, Topic: Quality |
Neural vs. sætningsbaseret maskinoversættelse i et scenarie med flere domæner 2021, R and D: Publications, Research, Topic: NLP and MT |
Multi-source Neural Automatic Post-Editing: FBK’s Participation in the WMT 2017 APE Shared Task 2021, R and D: Publications, Research, Topic: NLP and MT |
Multi-domæne neural maskinoversættelse gennem uovervåget tilpasning 2021, R and D: Publications, Research, Topic: NLP and MT |
Marian: Hurtig neural maskinoversættelse i C++ 2021, R and D: Publications, Research, Topic: NLP and MT |
Machine Translation for LSPs: Strategy and Implementation 2021, R and D: Publications, Research, Topic: NLP and MT |
Læring af klassifikationer med Fenchel-Young tab: Generaliseret entropi, marginaler og algoritmer 2021, R and D: Publications, Research, Topic: NLP and MT |