- 1. Formål
- 2. Fortrolig information
- 3. Ikke-anvendelse og hemmeligholdelse
- 4. Opretholdelse af fortrolighed
- 5. Ingen forpligtelse
- 6. Ingen garanti
- 7. Returnering af materialer
- 8. Ingen licens
- 9. Betegnelse
- 10. Retsmidler
- 11. Serviceudbyder Oplysninger
- 12. Diverse
Sidst opdateret maj 2024
This Nondisclosure Agreement (this “NDA”), effective upon the date of electronic acceptance (“Effective Date”), is entered into by and between Unbabel, Inc. a US company, with offices in 595 Pacific Ave 4th floor, San Francisco, CA 94133, USA (“Company”), in this agreement referred to by its brand name “Unbabel”, and the editor (“Service Provider”) (each herein referred to individually as a “Party”, or collectively as the “Parties”), being an integral part and complementing the Service Providers Terms of Service (therefore and unless it results differently from the context, any capitalized term in this NDA shall have the same meaning as in such Service Providers Terms of Service). In consideration of the covenants and conditions contained herein, the Parties hereby agree to the following:
1. Formål
1.1. Upon their successful registration on the Platform, Unbabel may hire the Service Provider as an independent contractor for editing services (the “Services”) in connection with Unbabel’s activity as described in 1.1. of the Service Providers Terms of Service. 1.2. In the case mentioned in the previous paragraph 1.1. and when the Service Provider is effectively hired, Unbabel would disclose and may further disclose to the Service Provider certain technical and business information that Company desires the Service Provider to treat as confidential.
2. Fortrolig information
A. Definition. ”Confidential Information” means any information disclosed by Company to the Service Provider either directly or indirectly in writing, orally or in any form, related with the provision of the Services and in connection with the Original Works and the Translated Works, including Personal Data, whether or not designated as “confidential” at the time of disclosure. Confidential Information may also include information of a third party that is in Company’s possession and is disclosed to the Service Provider under this NDA.
B. Exceptions. Confidential Information shall not, however, include any information that the Service Provider can establish (i) was publicly known or made generally available without a duty of confidentiality prior to the time of disclosure to the Service Provider by Company; (ii) becomes publicly known or made generally available without a duty of confidentiality after disclosure to Service Provider by Company through no action or inaction of the Service Provider; or (iii) was in the rightful possession of the Service Provider without confidentiality obligations at the time of disclosure by Company to the Service Provider as shown by the Service Provider’s then-contemporaneous written files and records kept in the ordinary course of business.
C. Compelled Disclosure. If the Service Provider becomes legally compelled to disclose any Confidential Information, other than pursuant to a non-disclosure agreement, the Service Provider will provide Company prompt written notice of such disclosure and will assist Company in seeking a protective order or another appropriate remedy. If Company waives Service Provider’s compliance with this NDA or fails to obtain a protective order or other appropriate remedy, the Service Provider will furnish only that portion of the Confidential Information that is legally required to be disclosed, provided that any Confidential Information so disclosed shall maintain its confidentiality protection for all purposes other than such legally compelled disclosure.
3. Ikke-anvendelse og hemmeligholdelse
Serviceudbyderen må ikke anvende fortrolig information til andre formål end til oversættelser i forbindelse med tjenesterne. Serviceudbyderen må ikke videregive fortrolig information eller tillade, at fortrolige oplysninger videregives, hverken direkte eller indirekte til nogen tredjepart uden virksomhedens forudgående skriftlige samtykke. Serviceudbyderen må ikke foretage reverse engineering, demontere eller dekompilere prototyper, software, prøver eller andre håndgribelige genstande, der indeholder fortrolige oplysninger. Serviceudbyderen må heller ikke indgive nogen patentansøgning(er), der helt eller delvist indeholder eller er baseret på nogen af selskabets fortrolige oplysninger.
4. Opretholdelse af fortrolighed
The Service Provider shall take reasonable measures to protect the secrecy of and avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of the Confidential Information. Without limiting the foregoing, the Service Provider shall take at least those measures it employs to protect its own most highly confidential information. The Service Provider shall not make any copies of the Confidential Information unless the same are previously approved in writing by the Company. The Service Provider shall reproduce Company’s proprietary rights notices on any such authorized copies, in the same manner in which such notices were set forth in or on the original. The Service Provider shall immediately notify Company of any unauthorized use or disclosure, or suspected unauthorized use or disclosure, of Confidential Information.
5. Ingen forpligtelse
Intet i denne NDA forpligter nogen af parterne til at gennemføre en transaktion mellem dem, og hver part forbeholder sig retten til efter eget skøn at afslutte drøftelserne eller indgåelsen af aftaler om tjenesteydelser i henhold til denne NDA vedrørende tjenesterne. Intet i denne NDA skal fortolkes således, at det begrænser selskabets brug eller videregivelse af dets egne fortrolige oplysninger.
6. Ingen garanti
Alle fortrolige oplysninger leveres "som de er". Virksomheden udsteder ingen garantier, hverken udtrykkeligt, stiltiende eller på anden måde, med hensyn til nøjagtigheden, fuldstændigheden eller udførelsen af nogen fortrolige oplysninger eller med hensyn til ikke-krænkelse eller anden overtrædelse af tredjemands eller modtagerens intellektuelle ejendomsrettigheder.
7. Returnering af materialer
Alle dokumenter og andre håndgribelige genstande, der indeholder eller repræsenterer fortrolige oplysninger samt alle kopier eller uddrag heraf eller noter, der er i serviceudbyderens besiddelse eller kontrol samt alle kopier eller uddrag heraf eller noter, der er afledt heraf. På virksomhedens anmodning skal serviceudbyderen returnere (eller, efter virksomhedens skøn, destruere) alle fortrolige oplysninger inden for ti (10) hverdage. Efter anmodning fra selskabet skal serviceudbyderen skriftligt bekræfte, at den har overholdt bestemmelserne i dette afsnit 7.
8. Ingen licens
Intet i denne NDA har til hensigt at give serviceudbyderen nogen rettigheder i henhold til nogen intellektuel ejendomsrettighed tilhørende selskabet, og denne NDA giver heller ikke serviceudbyderne nogen rettigheder i eller til fortrolige oplysninger, undtaget som udtrykkeligt fastsat i denne NDA.
9. Betegnelse
Serviceudbyderens forpligtelser i henhold til denne NDA overleveres indtil det første af følgende tidspunkter: i) fem år efter den dato, hvor serviceudbyderen leverer de oversatte værker til selskabet; eller ii) indtil alle fortrolige oplysninger, der offentliggøres i henhold til denne aftale, opfylder betingelserne for en af de undtagelser til fortrolige oplysninger, der er anført i afsnit 2.B, uden at serviceudbyderen har handlet eller undladt at handle.
10. Retsmidler
Serviceudbyderen accepterer, at enhver overtrædelse eller truende overtrædelse af denne NDA vil forårsage uoprettelig skade for selskabet, hvilket giver selskabet ret til at opnå et påbud ud over alle retsmidler uden at påvise eller bevise nogen faktisk skade, og uden at der skal stilles nogen kaution.
11. Serviceudbyder Oplysninger
Selskabet ønsker ikke at modtage nogen fortrolige oplysninger fra serviceudbyderen, og selskabet påtager sig ingen forpligtelser, hverken udtrykkeligt eller stiltiende, med hensyn til oplysninger, som serviceudbyderen videregiver til selskabet, uden at dette berører de forpligtelser, der følger af dets privatlivspolitik vedrørende personlige data. Alle ideer, forslag, vejledning eller andre oplysninger, som serviceudbyderen videregiver i forbindelse med fortrolige oplysninger og alle intellektuelle ejendomsrettigheder i forbindelse med ovenstående, anses samlet set for "Feedback". Serviceudbyderen accepterer at give og giver hermed virksomheden en ikke-eksklusiv, evig, uigenkaldelig, royalty-fri, verdensomspændende licens (med ret til at give og tillade underlicenser) til at lave, få lavet, bruge, importere, udbyde til salg, sælge, reproducere, distribuere, ændre, tilpasse, udarbejde afledte værker af, vise, udføre og på anden måde udnytte en sådan feedback uden begrænsninger.
12. Diverse
12.1. This NDA shall bind and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns; except that the Service Provider may not assign or otherwise transfer its position in this NDA, by operation of law or otherwise, without written consent of Company. Any assignment or transfer of this Agreement in violation of the foregoing shall be null and void.
12.2. This Agreement will be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, USA, without regard to conflict of law principles Any claims or disputes shall be resolved in the state or federal courts located in San Francisco County, California, USA.
12.3. The Service Provider hereby represents and warrants that the persons executing this NDA on its behalf have express authority to do so, and, in so doing, to bind the Party thereto.
12.4. This NDA contains the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the Services and supersedes all prior written and oral agreements between the Parties regarding the Services.
12.5. If a court or other body of competent jurisdiction finds, or the Parties mutually believe, any provision of this NDA , or portion thereof, to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the Parties, and the remainder of this NDA will continue in full force and effect.
12.6. A Party’s failure to enforce any provision of this NDA shall neither be construed as a waiver of the provision nor prevent the Party from enforcing any other provision of this NDA.
12.7. No provision of this NDA may be amended or otherwise modified except by writing signed by the Parties.