Unbabel4EU (“An Advanced European Language Engine for Borderless Business Communication”) is a research project led by Unbabel and funded by the Agência Nacional de Inovação (ANI).

Europe’s diversity of languages — one of its greatest cultural assets — is, unfortunately, a major barrier to business. Despite the freedom of movement, goods, people, services, and capital, the Digital Single Market (DSM) will remain a distant hope until citizens who speak one of the 24 official EU languages can understand and be understood by any business that speaks another.rnrn rnrnThe aim of Unbabel4EU is to enable seamless, human-quality translation among the official languages of the EU — in other words, “Europe’s translation layer”. To unlock the enormous value of the DSM with an entirely new market worth of over €13 billion a year in Europe alone, Unbabel4EU targets three key content types: listings, email, and chat.rnrn rnrnCombining state-of-the-art machine translation with human editors who post-edit the outputs, Unbabel brings seamless high quality and speed to incredibly high volumes of dynamic communication that professional translators could not tackle alone.rnrn rnrnUnbabel4EU (LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-042671) is funded by the Agência Nacional de Inovação (ANI), in the scope of the Excellence Seal (“Selo de Excelência”) of the Sistema de Incentivos à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (SI I&DT).