- 1. Generelle betingelser
- 2. Registrering
- 3. Aldersbegrænsninger
- 4. Tjenester og betalinger
- 5. Fortrolighed
- 6. Personlige data
- 7. Intellektuel ejendomsret
- 8. Adgang og ejendomsrettigheder
- 9. Erklæringer og garantier
- 10. Ændringer
- 11. Ophør af aftalen
- 12. Serviceudbyders ansvarsområder
- 13. Ejerens ansvarsområder
- 14. Diverse
- 15. Love og bestemmelser
Sidst opdateret maj 2024
These Terms of Service (“Agreement”), together with our Privacy Policy (available at https://unbabel.com/privacy-policy/) and any additional terms that might apply to certain products, services or entities, govern your use of and explain the terms on which Unbabel Inc., with registered office at 595 Pacific Avenue, 4th floor, San Francisco, CA 94133, USA, (“Unbabel”) provides you with access to Unbabel Website and its Mobile Applications (the “Platform”). Please read this Agreement carefully before registering to Unbabel”s Platform.
1. Generelle betingelser
1.1 Unbabel er en softwaretjeneste, der kombinerer automatisk maskinoversættelse med redigering af den resulterende oversættelse af redaktører ("Serviceudbydere" eller "Serviceudbyder" eller "dig") for at levere oversatte tekster til sine kunder ("Kunder" eller "Kunde") gennem Internettet. Unbabel kan også gøre brug af softwaretjenester leveret af tredjeparter for at forbedre sine egne tjenester ("Tredje softwaretjenester").
1.2. This is an agreement between the Service Providers and Unbabel, which will apply in respect to the translation services (the “Services”) provided by the Service Providers through the Platforms.
1.3. You must agree to the following terms before you may work as an Unbabel Editor, Reviewer, Terminologist, Evaluator or Annotator.
2. Registrering
2.1 Når du tilmelder dig på platformen, bliver du bedt om at oprette din egen profil. Din profil indeholder nogle obligatoriske personlige data såsom dit navn, e-mailadresse, oprindelsesland, fødselsdato, sprog, hvor du er tilgængelig for at levere tjenesterne, uddannelse og interesser (relevant for at Unbabel kan forsøge at tildele oversættelser i overensstemmelse med sådanne uddannelse og yndlingsdomæner) og også generel information, du ønsker at oplyse om dig selv.
2.2. Unbabel will process your personal data in strict compliance with the abovementioned Privacy Policy and related applicable laws which shall be considered, where applicable, as part of this Agreement and which terms are of your knowledge.
2.3 Efter vellykket registrering bliver du en tjenesteudbyder, og så længe du forbliver en tjenesteudbyder, accepterer du at overholde de gældende vilkår i denne aftale.
2.4. Unbabel assumes no responsibility whatsoever for your use of the Platform. It is for your sole, personal use and you may not distribute your username and password allowing others to use the Platform through your membership.
2.5. The fact that anyone becomes a Service Provider does not constitute Unbabel in any kind of obligation to assign services to the Service Provider, nor gives the Service Provider the right to demand the same from Unbabel, which may assign the services as its sole and full discretion.
3. Aldersbegrænsninger
The register as a Service Provider is strictly prohibited to minors or any person under the legal working age in his or her country and, in any case, prohibited to any person under the age of 18. If you misrepresent your age, your registration as a Service Provider will be automatically canceled. By using the Platform, you confirm and guarantee that you meet age restrictions requirements.
4. Tjenester og betalinger
4.1. Each time a Service Provider is requested by Unbabel to provide a specific service, they receive a note with the Original Works to be translated, either via Unbabel platform or app or other means of communication, the language for translation and the time required for returning the Translated Work (the “Services”) and should confirm his/her availability to provide Services before engaging. The absence of such confirmation within the above period is deemed as a non-availability response.
4.2. The Service Providers are remunerated on an hourly basis, being credited by the number of hours worked, according to an hourly rate to be communicated by Unbabel from time to time to the Service Providers, being such credit of hours also communicated or made available to the Service Providers.
4.3. Once the Services provided by each Service Provider are approved, Unbabel will transfer accrued earnings to the respective Service Provider if the Service Provider requests such transfer AND the Service Provider has accrued \$5 (five US Dollars) or more of earnings in corresponding Unbabel account, the transfer will then be executed in the next fourteen (14) business days via Paypal services or any other Unbabel decides to make available, informing the Service Providers of the same.
4.4. The earnings mentioned in previous 4.3. are based on the above hourly rate and the time spent with the Services. The payment of any taxes regarding earnings is the sole responsibility of the Service Provider.
4.5. All payments will be made in US Dollars.
4.6. Unbabel reserves the right to suspend a payment: (i) if the source of the funds used for the service is suspected to be fraudulent; (ii) If Unbabel is notified by the Customers of any alleged inaccuracies in the Translated Works or of any claim arising out of the provision of the Services by such specific Service Provider and/or the respective Translated Works. Any funds received from an account having made a fraudulent deposit (e.g. stolen credit card) or after notification of the Customers according to sub-paragraph ii) above, will be reversed immediately. If in any of the above situations a payment has already been processed, the Service Provider will be expected to return the funds to Unbabel’s account or face account termination.
4.7. Any Service Provider that Unbabel removes from the Services due to violation of this Agreement will not receive further credit/rewards or payments from Unbabel.
5. Fortrolighed
5.1. Service Providers view the content submitted for translation – “Original Works” – only in the context of reviewing the translation of that content – “Translated Works”.
5.2. Service Providers have no information about the Customer unless their identification is provided as part of the content. Personal data is replaced by identifiers via a pseudonymization process.
5.3. Service Providers are under an NDA (see 5.4 below), which is part of this Agreement, that prevents them from disclosing in whatever form or medium the content that they have access while providing the Services;
5.4. Regarding 5.3. above, Unbabel will take all the measures and safeguards adequate to ensure the confidentiality of the content, of the related personal data and also regarding its security.
5.5. Nevertheless, Service Provider is aware that, as a result of their engagement with Unbabel, can view confidential information that, if disclosed, could have an effect on the trading of securities (e.g. bonds and stocks) of companies who are Unbabel’s customers or clients of Unbabel’s customers. The Service Provider agrees that, in addition to their confidentiality obligations, will not engage in purchasing or selling securities of such companies (either directly or indirectly) while in possession of any such information, and will not disclose such information to others.
5.6. Service Provider acknowledges that Unbabel, in compliance with the Market Abuse Regulation (mar) and other applicable laws and regulations, may be required to disclose the Service Provider’s personal details and the specifics of the information accessed during the course of their engagement. Such disclosure shall only be made to the extent necessary to fulfill legal and regulatory obligations, and Unbabel shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any information disclosed is treated confidentially. The Service Provider agrees to cooperate fully with Unbabel in the event of such a disclosure and to provide any additional information as may be required by the relevant authorities.
6. Personlige data
As a rule, Service Provider will not have access to personal data included in the Original Works. However, should that occur, Service Provider hereby agrees to immediately inform Unbabel and to:
a) kun behandle enhver personlig data, der kan indgå i de originale værker, i henhold til dokumenterede instruktioner fra Unbabel;
b) sikre, at en sådan behandling er bundet af en forpligtelse til fortrolighed;
c) implementere passende tekniske og organisatoriske foranstaltninger til at sikre dataene.
7. Intellektuel ejendomsret
For the avoidance of doubt, Service Providers hereby grant to Unbabel a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free license to store and use the Translated Works for Unbabel including but not limited to research and development.
8. Adgang og ejendomsrettigheder
8.1. As long as Service Providers comply with this Agreement, they are authorized to access and use the Platform. The pages and content on the Platform are protected by copyright and may not be copied, distributed, modified, published, or transmitted in any manner, including but not limited to any use for creative work or to sell or promote other products.
8.2. Violation of this restriction may result in infringement of intellectual property and contractual rights of Unbabel and could give rise to substantial civil and criminal penalties. The “Unbabel” trademark is owned by Unbabel, Inc. You may not use this trademark for any purpose without the express prior written consent of Unbabel, Inc. Except as expressly set forth above, this Agreement does not grant you any express, implied or other license or right under any patent, trademark or copyright of Unbabel, Inc.
9. Erklæringer og garantier
9.1. The Service Providers shall:
a) Kun bruge platformen og tjenesterne på en måde, der er accepteret og lovlig i henhold til alle gældende love og regler;
b) Overholde Unbabels politikker for acceptabel brug og alle andre vilkår og betingelser vedrørende levering af tjenesterne i forbindelse med platformen;
c) Være strengt forbudt mod direkte eller indirekte at opfordre en kunde til at betale for en oversættelse uden for platformen. Desuden er det forbudt for serviceudbydere at forhandle gebyrer direkte med kunderne;
d) Ikke på nogen måde kopiere, ændre, offentliggøre, transmittere, vise, sælge, distribuere eller reproducere ophavsretligt beskyttet materiale, varemærker eller andre beskyttede ejendomsretlige oplysninger uden udtrykkeligt skriftligt samtykke fra Unbabel;
e) Ikke foretage ulovlig og/eller uautoriseret brug af platformen, herunder, men ikke begrænset til, at indsamle brugernavne og/eller e-mailadresser elektronisk eller på anden vis med henblik på at sende uopfordrede e-mails, videresende kommercielle eller andre tilbud til kunder eller til andre serviceudbydere via platformen eller via e-mail eller andre midler uden for platformen, og uautoriseret framing af eller linking til platformen vil blive undersøgt, og der vil blive truffet passende retslige foranstaltninger, herunder uden begrænsning, civilretlige, strafferetlige og påbudsmæssige retsmidler;
f) Acceptere, at Unbabel med henblik på at opretholde integriteten af brugen af platformen forbeholder sig retten til at begrænse adgangen til alle eller visse elementer af tjenesterne eller platformen pr. handling, idet sådanne niveauer fastsættes efter Unbabels eget skøn fra tid til anden;
g) Not engage in, and Unbabel is not responsible for, any form of harassment, offensive or abusive behavior of any kind whatsoever that may be harmful to any Customer or another Service Provider, including but not limited to physical and emotional damage. i.e. not use the Platform, Services, or your profile for any purpose other than translation services;
h) Not create multiple user accounts or attempt to create a new one if you have ever had an account disabled by us;
i) Not use any unauthorized third-party programs, including translation apps, bots, crawlers and any automation programs that interact with Unbabel in any way, for any purpose;
j) Not attempt to access Unbabel through unauthorized third-party applications, solicit login credentials from other users, or buy, sell, rent, lease or share access to your account, or an username;
k) Ikke undgå, omgå, omgå, fjerne, deaktivere, forringe, afkode eller på anden måde omgå enhver teknologisk foranstaltning, som Unbabel eller en tredjepart har indført for at beskytte eller kontrollere adgangen til Unbabel eller dele heraf;
l) Ikke videregive eller redistribuere noget af indholdet (information) på Unbabel, herunder, men ikke begrænset til originale værker, oversatte værker, private meddelelser eller dokumenter.
9.2. If you do not comply with the Agreement and we do not take action immediately, this doesn’t mean that we are giving up any rights that we may have (such as taking action in the future).
10. Ændringer
10.1. Unbabel reserves the right to change these Terms of Service at any time, being all changes posted online and brought upon the attention of the Service Providers by Unbabel for acceptance, at least one month before its entry into force.
10.2. Service Providers are responsible for reviewing the Terms of Service as may be posted regularly to obtain timely notice of such changes.
10.3. Should a Service Provider not accept any amendment of these Terms of Service, the contractual relationship with Unbabel shall terminate and the Service Provider will not continue to provide Services.
11. Ophør af aftalen
11.1. Unbabel or you may terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason whatsoever (as far as it does not jeopardize any Services in course) effective upon sending written notice to the other party by email or by explicitly withdrawing the terms of service checkbox on your profile.
11.2. If any Service Provider sends a notice of termination, it takes effect within 30 days counting from its deliverance. The Service Provider registration shall terminate without an obligation to make a payment, rebate or refund on the part of Unbabel with the exception of the amounts already cashed out of Service Provider’s account.
11.3. Unbabel does however reserve the right to suspend or terminate your membership at any time, without notice, if you breach this Agreement or any other specific terms and conditions posted on the Platform from time to time. Termination shall be immediate and does not entitle the Service Provider to any compensation.
12. Serviceudbyders ansvarsområder
12.1. You assume full responsibility and you assume all risk for the use of the Platform and the provision of the Services.
12.2. The Service Provider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Unbabel, its officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates and third parties, for any losses, costs, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) relating to or arising out of your use of the Platform or provision of Services, including any breach by you of this Agreement or other terms and conditions posted on the Platform from time to time, as well as the infringement of any third-party rights.
13. Ejerens ansvarsområder
13.1. Neither Unbabel nor its affiliates guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information related to the Translated Works on the Platform, and neither adopts, endorses, nor is responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement made.
13.2. Unbabel reserves the right but has no obligation, whether on the basis of complaints or on its own initiative, to review usage, activity or the content of any messages, materials or other interchanges which are otherwise posted, sent or transmitted via the Platform.
13.3. Unbabel shall have the right in its sole discretion to remove any material or profiles, regardless of whether Unbabel determines that such materials or profiles violate, or are alleged to violate, the law or this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Unbabel does not undertake to monitor, control or edit any communications between Service Providers.
13.4. In no event Unbabel or its affiliates will be liable for any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages (including, but not limited to, any threats, torts or injuries directly or indirectly connected to the Platform and/or the Services, damages for loss of data, loss of programs, cost of service interruptions or procurement of substitute services), even if Unbabel, its agents or representatives know or have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
13.5. Neither Unbabel nor its affiliates warrant that your provision of the Services will be secure, uninterrupted, always available, error-free, will meet your requirements, or that any defects in the Platform will be corrected. Unbabel and its affiliates disclaim all liability, regardless of the form of action, for the acts or omissions of other users (namely unauthorized users, or “hackers”) of the Platform.
14. Diverse
14.1. This version of the Terms of Service was created in februar 2021. This Agreement contains the entire agreement regarding the use of the Platform and the Services.
14.2. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
15. Love og bestemmelser
Denne aftale er underlagt lovgivningen i State of California, USA. Alle krav eller tvister skal afgøres ved statslige eller føderale domstole i San Francisco County, California, USA.