Your Favorite Apps’ Passport to Every Language
Unbabel quickly integrates with your go-to apps and platforms, optimizing your existing workflows for global audiences. Skip disruptive onboarding and avoid juggling between applications. Experience time and cost efficiencies as we adapt to you, easing your way into new markets.

Nyd mere flydende arbejdsgange
Tilslut alle dine brugssituationer med nem integration
From awareness to acquisition to retention, our integrations support the customer journey with scalable translations — mapped to the level of quality and brand adaptation you choose.


Live Chat



Press Releases and Blogs

Product Descriptions and E-commerce catalogs

Sociale medier


Skab dine egne forbindelser
Hvis du ikke finder den færdige integration, du har brug for, i vores menu af muligheder, kan du med vores robuste og fleksible API'er forbinde dig til alt i din stak.

Se, hvorfor kunderne elsker Unbabel
We had extensive discussions with multiple translation providers comparing functionality, costs, language support, and integrations with all the different tools we use. And after thorough comparison, we ultimately chose Unbabel, because they really met our needs from a technical integration, functionality, and cost perspective.
Director of Global Support, Groupon
Unbabel positionerer sig som visionær på området med sin forståelse af, at LangOps kan ændre branchen. Vi er helt enige i, at en fælles tilgang til sprog udover oversættelse kan gøre virksomheder i stand til at yde bedre service til deres kunder og udvide deres globale fodaftryk.
Global Transformation Lead Architect, Majorel
Ved at integrere Salesforce Service Cloud med Unbabel API'en får serviceteams gavn af én samlet global kundeserviceløsning, som ikke forstyrrer de nuværende arbejdsgange og sagsbehandlingstider. Denne kombination giver agenterne mulighed for at tilbyde problemfri, flersproget support af høj kvalitet ét sted.
Enterprise Corporate Sales Account Executive, Salesforce