Multilingual support that’s right on the money

Unbabel offers fast, AI-powered, high-quality translations, so that enterprises can support a growing global customer base.

The Unbabel approach for Fintech

Une assistance numérique exceptionnelle, sans perturber votre flux de travail.

How GoCardless Scaled Customer Operations

Respond instantly

We integrate seamlessly into your existing workflows, so your agents can respond to customers in any language, in seconds flat.

Hire the best agents

Our efficient translations make any agent multilingual, so you can focus on hiring the best possible support team.

Unlock flexibility

You can allocate any agent to any location or support channel, for flexible workforce planning that keeps you covered during peak volume times.

Multichannel, multilingual support

Unbabel helps you deliver a consistent customer experience across the globe, in the channels your customers expect, while maintaining the workflows your agents are used to.

  • Chat Instantly

    Nous traduisons les conversations de tchat entrantes et sortantes en quelques secondes.

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  • Envoyez des e-mails sans effort

    Nous nous intégrons de manière transparente à votre plateforme de messagerie existante, afin que les agents puissent répondre aux clients en quelques minutes.

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  • Foire aux questions transparente

    Nous vous aidons à publier des contenus d'aide de haute qualité dans un grand nombre de langues.

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Une sécurité sur laquelle vous pouvez compter

Unbabel understands the high security standards and privacy regulations of the Fintech industry, so our platform was built with data protection in mind. Fully GDPR and CCPA compliant, with robust data encryption and anonymization to ensure the utmost privacy for our customers and their customers.

Drive growth by speaking their language

Offering multilingual support makes every customer feel important, building trust and loyalty that will multiply across the globe. With an enhanced brand reputation, you can expand your reach, tap into new markets and bring in new revenue.

Hire great agents, we’ll make them fluent

Unbabel takes language out of the hiring equation. Our instant translations make any agent multilingual, so you can focus on hiring the best possible support team. Plus, this same flexibility means you can allocate agents as needed to keep you covered during peak volume times.

Fond de bloc

We can now onboard customers from all across the world and support them seamlessly.

Daniel Mooney,

Director of Customer Operations

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